Miscellaneous Funny Stuff Page 4

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Lunare: "Hmm... ?? (examines the ink composition under a spectrograph, and rips off a sheet of the printout) A-ha! Wham, even! It's just as I suspected, A Papermate Inkjoy pen must have been used to write this note! I'm sorry I doubted you, son. Now hurry up and get to playing Fortnite or I'll tell your teacher how lazy you are, and how poor you're doing on the leaderboards, and the ganking of the enemies, ga-hey, hoy, glayvin.



Doc: This caught my attention as my middle name is Brian with a 'Y' [Bryan].




Renee: "I really like pears."
Lunare: "And pears really like you."
Doc: "That's wonderful. I've always sought admiration from my fruit.
I'm gonna go work on impressing my bananas now."


My Hero!





Published by "Your Childhood Ruined" productions.


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