Doc's Picture Gallery of the Cool, Unusual & Insane

There's a lot of picture dumps out there in cyberspace. Many of them have hundreds of new pictures every week. What makes mine a little different in that I specifically curate pictures and items the I find to be the most hilarious, bizarre, coolest and interesting of the bunch. Since I've been accumulating stuff for over two years now, I figured it was about time to share them on my web site.

I have been sharing them on WireClub (see the Chat Room page here) and the comments you see attached to many of the pictures come from the best comments that users on WireClub have made. If you would like to submit any pics to be included and/or you would like to make comments on a specific picture (the picture ID# is above each picture), send them to me. I will certainly give your submissions careful consideration but don't be offended if I don't include them ...I'm picky.

Please note that there isn't anything overly profane here but there are some pictures that may contain some dirty words and adult themes. Parental guidance is advised.

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