Lunare: "Hmm... ?? (examines the ink composition under a spectrograph, and rips off a sheet of the printout) A-ha! Wham, even! It's just as I suspected, A Papermate Inkjoy pen must have been used to write this note! I'm sorry I doubted you, son. Now hurry up and get to playing Fortnite or I'll tell your teacher how lazy you are, and how poor you're doing on the leaderboards, and the ganking of the enemies, ga-hey, hoy, glayvin.
Doc: I still have the original Beatnik Bandit Hot Wheel. It's all beat up and I don't have the packaging. If I'd known that the originals would be worth something some day, I wouldn't have spent time with my friends crashing hot wheels together.
The Bandit was designed by Ed "Big Daddy" Roth, who also put out a series of monstrous plastic model kits, the most famous probably being Rat Fink. I had the whole collection. Beatnik Bandit Wiki Page
Sometimes confused as a dog, this is Kefir, an oversized Maine Coon belonging to Yulia Minina in Stary Oskol, Russia. Kefir was 2 years old and 28 pounds [12.7 kg] when this picture was taken and Maine Coons generally don't reach full size for 3 to 4 years. As is generally true with Maine Coons, Kefir is very laid back, friendly and likes being the center of attention that would be a problem.
This cute little fellow is the Red-Eyed Tree Frog [Agalychnis Callidryas]. They are found in Central America and NW South America. Although most frogs that display bright colorations are poisonous, this frog is not. He's just your typical frog.