To Be King
Article #5

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I have now completed all the new graphics for the Talents. These are cards that provide a player's character with some special skills. After a player chooses the race for their character, they receive two talents; a Natural Talent and a Chosen Talent.

The Natural Talent is a random talent the game gives to the player representing a talent they were born with. The game has been set to only give talents to a character based on race. For example, it won't give a Fairy an Assassin talent, as Fairies are good and magic users, not fighters. Conversely, it's not going to give a Troll a Spell Master talent. They have no use for magic.

After the Natural Talent, the player gets to chose his Chosen Talent from 4 randomly selected talents provided by the game. This is considered a talent they have nurtured and become quite proficient at. Here's a couple of talents and their descriptions that a player may receive as choices:



You'll note that the Funny Guy says 'Social' and there's an orange orb on the card. These are prerequisites that a character must have to activate this talent, i.e., they must have at least 4 points in the required attribute. The colored orb matches the color on the character's stats sheet so they player can easily see which attributes they need to concentrate on to activate the talent.

Some require 4 points in two or even three different attributes to activate. Others may be activated by having 4 points in one of two attributes but it's not necessary to have 4 points in both. These are shown by orbs with a hole in them. For example, the 'Sneaky' talent below requires 4 points in Swift OR Skill to activate.

Here are some more samples:



Article #4 - Character Races   ||  Development Blog   ||  Article #6 - Collectibles: Armor, Packers & General Goods
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