To Be King
Article #6

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Collectibles: Armor, Packers & General Goods


Now that I've gone through all the items that already had new description mats, I've gone back to the collectibles doing the new graphics and description mats at the same time starting with the armor items.

Bought and sold through the Blacksmith, armor provides an increase in a character's armor rating. When an advisory strikes a character via a normal hit, they make an armor check. If successful, the blow is deflected by the armor and no damage occurs. Some armor items have special characteristics beyond just providing an increase in protection. Here's a sample of one of those specialty armor items, along with it's description, followed by some samples of other armor items:



General Goods

These are just general items and supplies that adventurers may find handy. They can be bought and sold from a variety of places; the market, the healer, the docks, the blacksmith. There's also a couple of specialty items:




Characters are limited to 5 collectibles unless they have some way to carry more. Packers provide the extra room needed for goods. Some packers, like the cart, require another packer to tow it, like a donkey or an ox. Here's some samples:


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