To Be King
Article #12

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Region Specific Cards

The game has 10 distinct regions spread over 3 map boards. 7 of those regions draw from common decks of event cards but the other 3 have event decks that are specific to those regions: The Mystic Realm, The Waterway, and the Palace Grounds.

The Mystic Realm

This is the final region a player passes through before reaching the Great Throne. It's very short but extremely dangerous. Mostly, what will be encountered are Class E and F creatures, the big guys. But, if the internal percentages don't hand you a creature to deal with, it will hand you a specific Mystic Realm card. Here's a few samples.



The Waterway

The region is the connecting waterway between the 2 islands that one would generally sail by boat. Obviously, normal land based cards wouldn't work very well here so this region has its own deck. Also, a player will only occasionally have an event in the waterway. Here's some samples:



The Palace Grounds

The grounds themselves don't have any drawn events until you get to the other end and confront the Palace Guard. The player must kill the guard or get them to stand aside to enter Laurica's Palace. If no guard is present when a player gets there, they must draw a palace guard card. The guard would be 1 of 20 that range from a weak cowardly guard, who would rather not be there, to a mutant dragon or powerful wizard. Here's some samples:



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