To Be King
Article #14

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Ceatures: Beasts

There are 5 types of creatures in the game: beasts, enemies, undead, dragons and masters. I'll be posting an article for each as they all have a tremendous number of cards. I always thought a good adventure game needs an over abundance of things to fight so the adversaries never get stale. As such, I'll be doing creature cards for quite some time.

Creatures are also divided by class with Class A being primarily the push-overs to Class F, the big boys that always make for a dramatic encounter. The game is coded so that, in the beginning, you'll most likely encounter 'A' creatures with some 'B' and an occasional 'C'. As you progress, the likelihood of encountering higher class creatures increases.

Combat is conducted vs. creatures via power (physical) or psychic (psionic) with most creatures either fighting one way or the other. Certain types of creatures and higher class creatures may have both power and psychic and some can attack with both in the same encounter.

Beasts are creatures that generally don't fight out of malice or any intelligent choice to do so, but rather they behave like wild animals would: defensively, territorially, instinctually, hungrily, etc. They only use power so combat with them in always physical and they are far more likely to run than other creature types. They mostly cover Class A through C with a few rare sightings in the higher classes. They may also have some special abilities based on their nature. Here's a few examples of beasts:


Class A


Class B


Class C


Class D


Class E


Class F

Article #13 - Spells   ||  Development Blog   ||  Article #15 - Creatures: Enemies
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