To Be King
Article #16

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Ceatures: Undead

The undead come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so to speak. Some are extremely intelligent possessing some pretty powerful special abilities while other may be nothing more that re-animated corpses, ghosts or skeletons.

They may use power in physical combat or psychic in psionic combat. Their tendency to run from a conflict depends on each individual creature but, overall, they tend not to run as easily as enemies or beasts with some, like zombies, never running at all. They cover all class levels with most being Class C through F. In fact, Class F undead have both a power and psychic rating and the creature's controller may choose to attack physically or psionically. Here's a few examples of the undead:


Class A

Class B


Class C


Class D


Class E


Class F


Article #15 - Creatures: Enemies   ||  Article #17 - Ceatures: Dragons
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