To Be King
Article #17

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Ceatures: Dragons

Like many fantasy games, "To Be King" has a nice assortment of dragons. Not as common as the lesser creature groups but they do appear and they are usually fearsome adversaries ..some with powerful special abilities and/or rewards for they deaths.

They use use equal power and psychic ratings and the dragon's controller gets to decide whether to attack physically or psionically. They are quite stubborn and rarely run from a conflict. One advantage the player has vs. dragons it that they do not fly while in combat ..they are far to bulky and awkward to fight in flight. There's a few minor B & C class dragons but most are D and higher up to F class, being the most savage and destructive. Here's a few examples of the dragons:


Class B

Class C


Class D


Class E


Class F


Article #16 - Creatures: Undead   ||  Development Blog   ||  Article #18 - Creatures: Masters
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