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Animal Gallery Index

This is the Sabertooth Longhorn Beetle [Macrodontia cervicornis], one of the largest in the world. Mostly found in the rain forests of Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, the Guianas, and Brazil. Despite their size, they are completely harmless to humans. They do, however, create havoc in the wood export industry as they burrow into trees when they hatch and can spend up to 10 years of their lives in the larval stage.












What's up there, Tabby?


The Great Tit (Parus Major) is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae.
Steve: "What a beautiful pair they make. It is normal to see the two of them side by side."

It's time for the Tom & Jerry hour!


Let me teach you the dance of my people.

Gage: " Fluffy and the baby ... had finally come... to the Final Battle.
Only one would walk away... WHO will it be?!"

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