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Luna: "I don't think they should put the dyslexic guy in charge of quality control at that factory."




Res: "I need to 'hone' my skills.. Gosh, new hobbies are always fun."


Luna: "The ones in the supermarket are attractive, but kinda bland.
Nothing beats the taste of a fresh, home-grown, vine-ripened Pepsi."



...and if you can pronounce it, it's free!



From our "Trying Too Hard Department", we have this. Think about the fact that someone thought shaping ham into a gold fish would be a marketably profitable idea.

Speaking of weird ham.

Doc: "Never heard of this but apparently, it's not cheap."
Res: "LOL Times must be tough in that area... lol and no, it's never cheap....LOL"



Doc: "Well then, what are oranges good for?"
Luna: "Citrus is such a confusing thing."
Ever: "Luna! You just need to Concentrate!!"


Ever: "I call it a thingy."


Doc: "Found in a thrift store."
Bray: "Did ya buy it?"
Doc: " No. I left it for Bob."


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