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Steve: "I just learned something. I can read Spanish and French."



Yaa: "Can't beat thrift store finds."




Robin: "Sofa this is terrible."

Introduced in 1964 as Ken's friend, nobody liked Allan.

Ever: "He pulled Barbie's Pigtails. He had to go!!"


Res: "I might go get one. Do they get badges for Housecleaning, Laundry, Grocery Shopping, etc?
If SO and the price is right, I might get two!"




Doc: "There may be a reason this is a vintage product. ...also, I just noticed this is nearly 2 lbs.
I don't know how large fish balls are but I'm guessing that's a whole lot of fish."
Res: "...or really BIG Fish."
Ever: "Might be like Prairie Oysters."
Molly: "I knew fish had balls and no one believed me."



It's amazing what you can find at the Dollar Tree these days.

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