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Robin: "Thats the #2 item on my shopping list."
Kris: "Yikes!! Best pick up extra TP as well!"


Good to know! Don't want to waste money on those meatless front legs they got.




Wonder what the service is like.



I had no idea that bananas in Australia were different. My, my... learn something new everyday.



Doc: " I think 'Living to fry the beef rice' is my personal favorite."
Steve: "Six roasted husband and a partridge in a pear tree."
Lina: "I'm not sure how much it will like it, but at least the squid was asked first."


I'll order that with some fava beans and a nice chianti.



This was an actual pharmacy in Corydon, Indiana. It closed just recently after 71 years of service. It's been owned and operated by three generations of Butt's and, reluctantly, they had to close due to insurance companies paying less and less for drugs to the point to where they could no longer stay afloat. One of their most popular items were the T-shirts [shown here] and bumper stickers that tourists would stop in to buy. Here's a news article on Butt Drugs.



Pictured is Azazel & Moloch, as well as some minor ones from the Enochian realm of Hades.


Steve: "You can't always get what you want... But if you pay sometime you get what you need."



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